October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Most of us know that October is the official month for breast cancer awareness. And just as many people have had their lives touched by breast cancer. It may their own diagnosis, or their family members, friends or colleagues. There are very few people who have not been touched by this disease in some way.

So, what does that mean for October? What do we do? We wear pink of course! But more importantly, we get screened with a routine mammogram. We encourage others to get screened. We do our self-exams and encourage others to do theirs. Self exams should be done every month! A close friend of mine felt her lump for couple months before seeing her doctor and it could have made the difference in her staging and treatment. She wishes she would have gone sooner.

Your body can give you signs. Listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right or if you don’t feel right, it’s best to see a doctor. And yet sometimes we won’t get any signs, that is why it is so important to get an annual screening. October is a good reminder and there are also many reduced and free rates available to help those who can’t afford a mammogram.

In Florida, check this link for free and reduced rates.

Also LAD Imaging in Volusia County is offering patients without insurance a total cost of $80 for everything, which includes the mammogram imaging and the radiologists impression of the images.

If you haven’t had one yet this year, Please get your mammogram. Encourage your mothers, your sisters, aunts, daughters, girlfriends, cousins, colleagues and everyone you can!